Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Life is just so DAILY

If I've posted about this before--and it's entirely possible--just turn your head away for a moment, (that's what my dog does, and it always seems to work for him.)

One of my favorite quotes is listed above, courtesy of Mary Engelbreit.
"Life is just so DAILY!"

Don't you think?  When we are in a crisis, all we long for is for things to return to "normal," (whatever that is.) When the crisis dies down,  "normal" quickly morphs into "boring."  Is this just me? Just my off-the-scale hyperactivity?  Maybe. But, I doubt it.

If I long for day after day normality, why do I chafe at all the routine things? Dishes, laundry, bills, errands and feeding the aforementioned dog, to name a few.

Didn't I want to just get up, make tea, make a lunch or two, check my email, look at my bills and paperwork, go down my "to do" list and cross four things off for every four I add on? Didn't I say I longed for things to quiet down enough to shop for detergent and pajamas and do something creative for dinner with my leftovers?

Ah, but what I say and what I do are two different things.

My brain craves excitement, and often excitement comes with crisis.  So much crisis, that I forget to appreciate and be grateful when I finally get what I asked for.

I, my friends, am the owner of a fickle heart.

Thank God for Jesus, who has come to tame me.  He gives me what I need, rather than what I want.  He speaks to me gently and shows me His kindness.  And it is always, always the kindness of God that leads me to repentance. 

Just me?

Does this ever happen to you? Do you get restless when life once becomes Daily? Are you the owner of a fickle heart?

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