Thursday, March 8, 2012

Proof my family loves me more than any other Mom in the world.

Throughout the years, my husband and kids have treated me to some pretty fantastic birthdays. But I have discovered that  having those secret little wishes you hope will be magically fulfilled because it's your special day, is wrong. I think the best way to get them fulfilled is to tell people exactly what you want, and then anything else you get is, (pun intended,) icing on the cake! Families do not read minds, people!! I think it's wrong to pull that: "if they really loved me, they'd know...." card. These are busy times for people. They need help! Needless to say, this requires a few things: 
1.  A family who really cares about your special, (though sometimes strange,) requests.
Check. To paraphrase that baseball guy:  God has been very, very good to me.
2.  Requests that won't  force your family into debtor's prison.
Check.  I think most of my requests are financially feasible, (notice I said MOST.)
3.  (And this is the hard one)---Knowing what you  really want.  For a long time, the third one had me completely stumped. Through a lot of God and a lot of counseling, I'm starting to get it --but, that's a whole other blog entirely.

Having said all that, I thought I'd share the birthday list I distributed to my family earlier this month. Keep in mind that through the years my requests have morphed radically. When my children were small, my request was a day AWAY from everyone!  Funny how things change.  Please also keep in mind, that my family is loving and patient enough to wade through my crazy writing to get to the real requests. 
I think it comes down to love and service.  We each post one of these a few weeks before our birthday and I would say very few of our requests have gone unanswered. (Sometimes the answers are very creative--but very few have gone unanswered!) I also think it's interesting to note, that we started doing this, (at my wise husband's suggestion,) when the kids were around jr high age.  You'd think they ask for all the big items: phones, cars, etc. That has never happened. They also know NOT everything on the list will be supplied. It's just letting everyone know how you wish your birthday would go. They've always been very much aware of our budget limitations and have always requested reasonable things and been incredibly grateful for what God has given them through us.  And if that isn't a testimony to them both, from a very proud mom, then, I don't know what is.

So, without further ado--My 2012 birthday list.  
Ah! 29 at last! :) 

My List of Birthday Demands
---uh, REQUESTS :)
1.     Although my REAL birthday is March 15th, I have decided that this year it will be celebrated on SATURDAY MARCH 10TH.
2.     I don’t think I want Breakfast in Bed this year, because I don’t think you can TOP THIS!! lol    

3.     Instead, since it will be a Saturday, I would like us ALL to sit down TOGETHER and watch P. Allen Smith (a gardening program) at 10:30 in living room, and have a special breakfast there!!
4.     After that, I want us to ALL sit down TOGETHER at the kitchen table where you can listen to my 3-step plans for the new gardens. Then, the kids can go, and Paul can stay, and be my prisoner, and help me figure out exactly how many garden beds we want built and how big.  Then, he can go over to Dennis’ with me and give him all the plans and money! (Don’t panic---I've already set the $ aside.)
5.     About presents…..What I’d like MOST is a BI MART gift certificate for a LARGE amount of cash to buy bulbs and seeds! (Maybe you could each chip in a couple of hundred $$$ for my gardening needs...)
6.     I’d also like the following books: Gardenwalks in the Pacific Northwest, by Alice Joyce and Green Afternoons by Amy Houchen.  Try for the best prices/shipping. I don’t care if they aren’t here by 3/10 because it’s not dry enough to walk yet, anyway.
7.     I would like my presents AT BREAKFAST TIME, please!
8.     No special lunch plans will be required, because I’d like dinner about 5:30 – 6 p.m. ish.
9.     IF there’s time after garden planning, I would like Elizabeth to take me up the fabric shop at the top of the hill in Yamhill. (If this doesn’t work this day, she MUST do it in the next week.)
10. I want dinner to be very simple---THIN Swedish-style pancakes with berry syrup and THICK bacon and (real)coffee.
11.  I want a ROUND cake from Perfection Bakery in Hillsboro. (Something like the pic. above.)  I HAVE to have whipped cream frosting!!  The cake can be spice, or yellow or carrot. If it’s spice or yellow, it needs raspberry filling.(There have been MANY good years of homemade treats!)
12. The reason I want dinner to be simple and quick is that I want to go to FGHS that night to see the Sound of Music! I will need to leave here at 6:20 p.m.  Those who choose to, can come with me.  Those who don’t, can stay home and clean and put away all dishes until the kitchen is as neat as a pin so I can wake up to beauty the next day :)
13. This is my official list of requests---of course if you want to shower me with other things, that is your choice…..This is all I really want, though :)  Shanks for listening!

--Do you all have any thoughts on this? How do you like to celebrate bitrhdays at your house? I'd love to hear from you!!

1 comment:

Llama Momma said...

I love your list!!! I have also learned to be very specific about what I want on my birthday!!!