Thursday, March 22, 2012

After all danger of frost, sow in open ground, well exposed.

You know where this is going, don't you?

Today is March 22nd---(or as we like to say at our house:  the twenty-tooth of March.)

So why did it snow all last night?

Since moving here, I've learned that in the PNW, we like our snow in December and January, thank you very much.  Maybe a few unexpected days in  February,  just to extend the President's Holiday out a little longer, but basically, the closer to New Year's, the better.

But, March 22nd??????  It's unnatural, I tell you. What's a girl to do if the seed packets say to sow "after all danger of frost?" Everybody knows, (and by everybody,  I mean, me and one or two other old people,) that you are supposed to plant peas on St. Patrick's Day (the 17th,) and potatoes on St. Joseph's Day, (the 19th.)

Both dates have come and gone; it's been snowing off and on for the past week, and so far, the only thing growing in our vegetable garden is mud.  (We do have daffodils, of course, but last I checked, you're not supposed to eat them.)

In other weather news, I heard yesterday that this year in the U.S. we've had TWICE as many tornadoes as last year.  Then, I heard this morning, that today it was going to be 82-degrees in Boston!


Still, I'm sure this whole global warming thing is just a hoax perpetuated by those clever environmentalists.  I'll just keep repeating to myself : it's not still snowing, it's not still snowing, it's not still snowing until ---well, you know--- it stops snowing.

1 comment:

Llama Momma said...

And in Chicago? Where we leave our boots out till May?It's like summer here. Crazy!!! (But I'm not complaining!)